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Customs & Import Information

Different countries have different customs and import regulations, and you need to be aware of those that apply in your destination country. Failure to observe them may lead to entry delays for you and your family, and for your possessions. Your Move Manager will be able to provide you with the specific requirements of your destination country.

Here are links to embassy or customs websites for some of the popular overseas destinations (please note: a new browser will open).

AmericaAmerica AustraliaAustralia BahamasBahamas BangladeshBangladesh BarbadosBarbados
BelgiumBelgium BermudaBermuda BrazilBrazil CanadaCanada Cyprus
Finland France Greece Hong Kong India
Ireland Italy Jamaica Jordan Kenya
Luxembourg Malta Mexico Morocco New Zealand
Pakistan Saudi Arabia Singapore South Africa Spain
Sri Lanka Sweden Switzerland Thailand Turkey
Vietnam UAE


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